Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Liebster Award!

Wow, I am so honored to have received the Liebster (a German word in origin which means beloved, sweetheart, lover, darling) Award! The Liebster award, is an award given to new bloggers and is given among the blogger community to get to know each other and highlight a newbie.
Gina Henning from Next Door Painting nominated my blog, Woman Reinvents Self. When my children began to attend school full time and I began the next chapter of my life, I decided to write about my journey. Women reinvent themselves so many times over the course of their lives. Personally I believe that this process, while remarkable and beautiful, taxes our spirit and our bodies. I put it all out there, from my ponderings about re-entering the workforce as a Landscape Architect to my time in the therapist’s chair. It has been through this blog that I have truly found my voice and my home. I feel stronger and more capable than ever and hope that readers traveling a similar road find a kindred spirit.
After receiving the award, I’ve been asked to answer a series of questions asked by my fellow blogger/nominator Gina:
Your Questions:

What time of day do you blog?
A lot of stewing goes into my blogs, so while I have a topic that I want to write about, it can take hours of contemplating, writing and rewriting to pull it all together. So, I generally start right after the kids head out the door to school, and I hope to have it finished by lunchtime. (I might have gone for a run, worked on a book, or vacuumed during this time.)

How many blogs do you read regularly?
I read a solid dozen regularly. I read a few about writing, a coupe about building a social media presence, and then a handful are witty insights that make me smile, laugh, or give me something to think about.

Salty or sweet?
Salt! However, I would never turn down a combination of the two.

Your favorite Blog entry (include link).
February 13, 2012
My husband and I have a great story of how we came to be a couple. One day he came home from work and told me he had been sharing our mini chicklit tale with his co-workers (all guys) and that I ought to write a blog about it. So I did. You can read it here: Remind Her of When You Fell In Love

What city would you love to get lost in?
I’ve been lost in many cities, fortunately. I am a huge fan of travel and with a background in architecture, landscape architecture and art history, exploring a new city by foot is my fantasy vacation. I have yet to make it to the southern hemisphere, so… Melbourne, Sydney, Christchurch, Rio de Janeiro… any would do!

What do you find most interesting about blogs?
People are fascinating and their perspective on life is unique. I think that regardless of the subject matter being blogged, you can learn as much about the author as you can about the topic. To me, one of the best parts about evolving technology is that people who might not otherwise write or have an opportunity to share their passions and experiences have an opportunity to.

Last song you listened to.
The Bug by Mary Chapin Carpenter

Last book you read.
A Questionable Friendship by Samantha March

Have you ever read something you wrote to a group?
Yes… and I wasn’t thrilled about it mostly because I write ensemble casts and trying to change my voice for several characters from different countries was quite challenging.

Do you like interviewing people?
I do! I host interviews every week on my website. People are driven by many things, for me, I am driven by everyone’s unique tale and how it impacts others, even without them knowing it. When someone shares their thoughts and feelings with me, I feel honored. When they share their dreams, I feel privileged.

Share an exciting experience.
Christmas Day 2012 I opened my gift from my husband. It was a Kindle. When I turned it on, I saw that he had self-published my first book Charlotte’s Restrained, The Accidental Stalker. I had been so nervous about doing it, that I had sat on the book for almost eight months. I cried and then laughed. When I realized he’d done it a few weeks before, we checked Amazon and several reviews were there. He’d emailed everyone we knew and told them what he was doing and several friends had read the book. I will be forever grateful to him and to those friends who posted reviews, because my whole life changed after that.

I am thrilled to bits to have been nominated by Gina Henning, who has a beautiful soul and is a gifted writer. Please check-out her website and her books and blogs, at

Liebster Award Rules:
1. Acknowledge and link back your nominator.
2. Answer 11 questions given by the nominator.
3. Nominate other bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
4. Here’s the challenging part: Think of 11 new questions to ask your nominees.
5. Let your nominees know that you have nominated them.
Now here’s my nominees’ list:
Laurie WJN
Jalpa Williby
Heather Osborne
Christina Keats
KT Bowes
My 11 Questions for them:
  1. What was your first blog about?
  2. How would you say your blog has evolved?
  3. What do you find most satisfying about writing?
  4. Has your blog lead you in an unexpected direction?
  5. How many blogs do you read?
  6. What grabs you about someone else’s blog and have you incorporated it into yours?
  7. If you were stranded on a desert island, what would you do?
  8. You can travel to anywhere in the word! What location came to mind? Have you been there before or would it be a new experience?
  9. Your blog goes viral and you are asked to vlog – would you want to?
  10. Have you ever revealed something in your blog that a loved one was surprised by?
  11. Tell us a great story!

Please let me know when you answer your questions, I would love to read what you have shared.

Thank you again to Gina from Next Door Painting, I enjoyed answering these questions and coming up with my own as well.   Please let me know when you answer your questions, I would love to read what you have shared.